// Individual and in-company training / PBS Panamerican Business School
PBS Panamerican Business School is a business school located in Guatemala.
? Business School Number 1 in Guatemala and among the 3 best Business Schools in Central America by America Economía.
?Top 2 among the best Business Schools for hiring the best talent for their quality of education. América Economía. Ranking of the Best Employers 2019.
? Between the 3 best business schools in Central America. America Economy. Ranking of the most recognized Business Schools in Central America 2018.
? Between the 5 Business Schools that lead the training and education for the development of digital competences through the Pan-American Digital School.
? Between the 10 most innovative business schools in Latin America. Forbes Mexico and Latin America. Ranking of the most innovative Business Schools 2018.
- More than 100,000 trained executives
- More than 5,000 executive training programs delivered
- Over 3,000 InCompany training projects delivered to more than 250 companies in 14 Latin American countries
- More than 200 Executive Training Programmes are delivered each year
- 16 Knowledge Areas with over 6,000 participants each year
Latin American Centre of Excellence for Human Resources

Some of the pieces of training I give or have given