// Individual and in-company training / PBS Panamerican Business School / HR Center of Excellence de Latinoamérica

Master in Digital Talent and Agile HR

The current challenges facing Human Management professionals are related to their contribution to the transformation, continuity and innovation of their organisations. For the first time in history, they are required to master a series of disciplines that have not traditionally been part of their training and experience throughout their careers.

Addressed to

Directors, managers, chiefs, consultants and people in charge of Human Resources, Personnel Services, Strategic Planning, Project Leaders and business partners analysts from the different areas of the organisation, all people involved in the efficient management of human resources. Digital Transformation Directors, Project Managers, Organizational Change Managers, Talent Directors, Training Directors and in general Human Resources professionals who seek to develop this competence.

Strategic Objectives of the Master's

  • To understand the trends and challenges of human management in the future 2021 - 2025 and to design management models that respond to the challenges of the organisation.
  • To provide the necessary tools to rethink and redefine the organisation's human management model.
  • To create awareness of the nine realities of the business world and the strategic value of the Human Management area.
  • To know the new organizational models that organizations have to adapt or create in order to compete in the future.
  • To study in depth the technological platforms and applications that are currently enabling talent management in the organization.
  • Accelerate management capacity through new work methodologies and organizational collaboration.
  • Design a human management model incorporating cultural transformation models and organizational agility tools.
  • Lead the digital transformation through the mastery of the main variables that affect the organisation's talent.


Strategic Courses

  • Economic and Forward Looking Analysis
  • Rethinking the Future and Strategic Leadership
  • Global Strategy and Business Models
  • Strategic Innovation

Business Courses

  • Strategic Planning for Digital Talent and New Organisational Models
  • Locating, Attracting and Recruiting Talent in Digital Environments (Recruitment 4.0)
  • Learning Management and Training Models in Online Environments
  • Leading the New Working Models: Gigeconomy, Networking, Remote Working and Home Office
  • Disruptive Technologies and their Impact on the Organization
    People Analytics
  • Change Management and Digital Transformation
  • Corporate Communications in the Digital Age

Digital Transformation Courses

  • Digital Ecosystems: From Traditional Business to Digital Business
  • Platforms Business Models
  • Digital Competences and Skills
  • Creating a Digital Culture: Leadership and Management of
  • Change in Digital Transformation Processes
  • Diagnosis and Roadmap of the Digital Transformation Project
  • Strategic Plan for Digital Transformation Projects

Tools and Skills Courses

  • Foundations of Agile Organizations
  • Design Thinking
  • Management 3.0
  • Lean Startup
  • Organizational Happiness
  • Employee Experience Management