// International Speaker / Conference 'Digital Talent with LinkedIn'

All businesses need to adapt to change, and implement new working methods, new lines of business, and focus on the customer. It is more common to not understand what a digital transformation is, and to focus on installing applications and not going to tools.

What you will learn

  • What a digital transformation really is.
  • How to design and plan it for your company.
  • How to make the right roadmap.
  • As well as seeing real success stories.

Addressed to

  • Business owners
  • Senior Management
  • Managers
  • Executives


  • What is Digital Transformation
  • The Digital Transformation Pyramid
  • Identifying the key factors of your business
  • By leveraging your company's own resources and internal levers
  • Creating an intra-corporate ecosystem based on Innovation
  • Checklist of what you need to apply within your company
  • Discovering the real oil of your company
  • Real success stories