I advise and accompany you in the areas that I have experience


Analysis of current business model, new proposals for improvement and creation of innovative proposals.


Design and improvement of organizational structures, both internal and external.


Analysis, design and implementation of organizational and production improvements of the equipment.


Positioning of your brand, product, service and new solution / app. Marketing OFF / ON / Digital.


My experience in: Design and creation of Workstations, networks, servers, virtualization and communications. Programmer, Head of Programmers and Head of IT.


More than 28 years designing, managing and implementing digital projects.

What would happen in your company if this year we improve one of these areas?

The ability of an organisation to learn and quickly turn learning into action is its greatest competitive advantage.
- Jack Welch - Director General Electric.

What can I do for you? Improve your business


We will meet to analyze in which moment is your company and which area or areas you want my help.


I will meet regularly with you and your team to make improvements in the areas I will help you with.


I will accompany you and advise you in the areas of my experience so that you have the correct information and take the decisions that you consider appropriate.