In Company Trainer
Some of the Universities and Business Schools where I teach in Spain and Latin America
AI Artificial Intelligence
- Applying AI since 2022 in national and international companies and business schools in productivity, digital marketing, social media strategy, sales, exports, etc...
- TikTok for Business with AI.
- Co Director and trainer of the first program "AI Artificial Intelligence for Local Commerce. Increase sales with intelligent hybrid sales funnels."
Internationalisation and Sales
- Director of the Internationalisation 4.0 Programme at LinkedIn with Social Selling - Cámara de Comercio de Castellón
- Professor of Social Selling in the Master's Degree in Public and Private Fundraising Management in Non-Profit Organisations at the Complutense University of Madrid
- Director of the Social Selling Programme at the University of Barcelona - IL3 Institut de Formació Continua
- Professor of Social Selling, Digital Strategist and Digital Talent with LinkedIn at ESIC Business and Marketing School
- Social Selling Professor at ICEMD The Institute for the Digital Economy
- co Director and Professor of the Executive Programme of Social Selling at La Salle IGS
- International Diploma in Digital Sales Management - PBS
- Postgraduate in Commercial Management and Digital Sales Management* - Design of the Social Selling Plan and Integration of Social Networks into the Sales Plan - PBS with FIU Business and IE Business
- CRM for the shipping industry, how to speed up your sales process and manage it with real-time data - FEUGA Fundación Universidad Empresa Gallega
*(Certified by IE Business School and Florida International University - FIU Business)
HR Digital Talent
- Digital Talent in HR Center of Excellence de Latin America
- Professor in the Master in Digital Talent Management and Organizational Agility
New Tech
- Professor in the MTD Digital Transformation Master
- The Future of Telework - Work tools for the executive Home Office
- Executive MBA Professor at target Business School
- Executive MBA Professor at ENAE Business School - Escuela de Negocios y Administración de Empresas
- Professor of the Diploma of Convergent Contents and Digital Advertising in the Government of Colombia
- Lecturer at the VI International Marketing Congress at the Universidad Continental de Perú
Digital Marketing
- MKK Master's Degree in Marketing Management with Specialisation in Analysis and Digital Strategy
- MKK-TD Master's Degree in Marketing and Digital Transformation
- BMK Bachelor in International Marketing and Digital Communication
- Digital Marketing and Social Networking Strategies for Shopping Centres
- International Diploma in Advanced Marketing Management
- Professor of Digital Communication and Inbound Marketing at MMKD Master's Degree in Digital Marketing of ENAE Business School
- Postgraduate in Marketing - Strategic Plan of Social Media and Main Networks - PBS
- Postgraduate in Marketing and Postgraduate in Retail Management (with specialization in Digital Retail) - PBS
- LinkedIn Seminar for Executives
- International Certified Sales Seminar
- International Seminar Modern Sales Management - PBS
- International Seminar on Strategies for Selling on LinkedIn
Some of the places where I teach
UCM Universidad Complutense de Madrid, PBS Panamerican Business School Guatemala, Intras República Dominicana, target Business School, ENAE Business School, La Salle IGS, IL3 Institut de Formació Continua - Universidad de Barcelona, UPV Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, Cámara de Comercio de Castellón, Kschool, ESIC Business and Marketing School, ICEMD El Instituto de la Economía Digital, etc...
Other training I have given
Masters, Programas Superiores y Formaciones
A continuación tienes algunas de las formaciones que he ido impartiendo en mi
carrera. PSD-PYMES Programa Superior de Dirección de la Pequeña y Mediana EmpresaEn el
Programa Superior de Dirección de la pequeña y mediana empresa se combinan
clases teóricas con la realización de ejercicios y casos pr…
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Ponente Internacional
Ponente Internacional sobre las nuevas tendencias Soft Tech, las tendencias del Futuro del Trabajo, Social Selling y LinkedIn, como adaptarse desde un punto de vista profesional y empresarial.